Company Profile


At Mergence we focus on our core competency, which is fund management. As such our fund administration is outsourced to an independent service provider, Maitland Fund Services. Mergence Unlisted Investment Managers (Namibia) has the same arrangement but with the relationship management of the outsource administration service being managed from Namibia.

Back-up & Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)

We make regular back-ups of all our data and have an off-site disaster recovery facility. The DRP ensures that we will be able to continue operating in the event of a disaster while we re-establish and set up permanent office.

Conflict of Interest

Our document titled Conflicts of Interest Policy and Conflict Management Framework outlines the conflicts of interest and conflict management policy adopted by Mergence and its employees, key individuals and representatives. A copy of this document is available on request.

Complaints Handling Procedure

Mergence Unlisted Investment Managers (Namibia) Pty Ltd has systems in place for the purpose of timely and efficient resolution of complaints within the specified timeframes. Our complaints handling procedure is documented and is available on request.

Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)

These standards govern the preparation and presentation of performance numbers, and although compliance with them is voluntary, Mergence adopts the standards as they are considered best practice.

Regulation and Compliance

Legal compliance is also outsourced. EIS Namibia and PwC are currently engaged and ongoing external compliance will be outsourced to Compli-Serve SA. Compli-Serve SA is a leading independent specialist provider of advisory and operational compliance services to the financial services sector. Internally, the Executive Director is accountable for compliance. Regular communication with PwC and NAMFISA ensures that Mergence is up to date with the latest regulatory changes and complies with the necessary requirements.