Prime Money Market
These portfolios aim to consistently outperform the benchmark over a 12-month rolling period while providing liquidity at a low level of risk. These well-diversified portfolios implement a range of South African money market instruments.
Equity Prime Fund (Unit Trust)
The Mergence Equity Prime Fund is a collective investment scheme fund that aims to provide investors with capital growth over the long term by achieving returns that are in excess of the FTSE/JSE Capped Shareholder Weighted Index (Capped SWIX), without exposing the Fund to excessive risk.
CPI + 4% Prime Fund (Unit Trust)
This collective investment scheme fund is managed with the objective of producing a real return of 4% above inflation per annum over the longer term while preserving capital over rolling 12-month periods. The Fund employs active asset allocation and derivative hedging to manage and reduce downside risk. It is broadly diversified across asset classes including […]
Renewable Energy Debt Fund
The objective of these Funds is to provide commercially viable investments into the renewable energy sector enabling investors to achieve targeted investment returns together with social and environmental impact. Through both these Funds, we are invested in 13 renewable energy projects within Southern Africa, across both wind and solar. Fund II is open for investment.
Equity Funds
Our specialist equity mandates aim to provide investors with capital growth over the long term. The key objective of these mandates is to consistently achieve returns that are in excess of the respective benchmarks over any rolling three-year period, without exposing the client to excessive risk. We embrace a style-agnostic approach and have a strong […]
Debt Fund
The Mergence Infrastructure & Development | Debt Fund has a long-term performance target of inflation +3% per annum over the medium to long term by investing in opportunities that create both a positive and measurable social, developmental, and/or environmental impact.
Bond Composite
This Fund aims to invest in a diversified combination of infrastructure risk-adjusted returns, whilst supporting the development of both social and economic infrastructure services. The Fund forms part of the Mergence suite of impact funds. The Fund strives to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns over that of the FTSE/JSE All Bond Index (ALBI).
Global Balanced Fund
These Regulation 28-compliant mandates aim to generate stable long-term returns through exposure to a broadly diversified set of asset classes including equities, listed property, conventional bonds, and inflation-linked bonds, both domestically and internationally. It is managed with the objective of producing a real return in excess of 5% per annum above inflation. Derivatives may be […]
Domestic CPI +4% Fund
The Fund is managed with the objective of producing a real return of CPI plus 4% per annum over the longer term while preserving capital over rolling 12-month periods. It may underperform relative to overall equity markets due to its focus on capital preservation and long-term capital growth.
The objective of these mandates is to achieve returns that are in excess of the FTSE/JSE Shareholder Weighted Index (SWIX) over any three-year rolling period without exposing the Fund to excessive risk. These core mandates target maximum active returns relative to tracking error volatility.
Capped SWIX Fund
The objective of these mandates is to achieve returns that are in excess of the FTSE/JSE Capped Shareholder Weighted Index (Capped SWIX) over any three-year rolling period without exposing the Fund to excessive risk. These core mandates target maximum active returns relative to tracking error volatility.